Tadej Vaukman`s exhibition "Dick Skinners" in Basel

Tada`s show "Dick Skinners"  was something i was looking forward to for a few weeks. At least ever since i knew it was going to be in Basel. So we jumped Juli`s VW and off we go. Lukas joined us, a threesome!
We knew Mico and Kupa from the R.O.W would be there ,too...but running into them when we arrived Portland was so nice! You gotta love them! I All of that slovenian R.O.W/Boldrider gang are great people. if you know them, you know what i mean! if not-i cross my fingers for you!
And then suddenly Pudi showed up,too. Unexpected! Lets say the icing of the cake - always a pleasure to have him around!
So we all went to see Tada`s show at "Gallery Daeppen". A really nice place with loads of cool art and zines and whatnot,you better go there somewhen. I wish we had a place like that in my hometown, i would spend all my pocket money in there!
Tadas pictures on the walls of the gallery are a real blast! i knew some of the work he hung before ,but seeing them nice printed ,all together with some good stories from Tada and that really great display he came up with, was so good!
The show will be on for a month check it out if you are around and Tadas book "Dick Skinners" can be bought HERE.
Then Aftersow BBQ in Portland and chilling with Guillome,cool dude and owner of the gallery.He brought more Beer and some special swiss stuff for everybody to eat- cheers not only for that, its so good to see someone pushing and supporting the work of all those rad artists!
The next day was skating. There is some fun, new concrete near Basel we checked out and of course we had a nice session in Portland!